How Old Is Philip?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 6, 2010

9 days old

Some more pictures of my gorgeous baby boy

Sleeping Smile(:

Little Yet Big Feet! They do not fit in his sleepers. Poor thing got my toes

Philip is now 9 days old(Almost 10 days since it's [almost] tomorrow!)

Updates On Phil : I tried to breast-feed him the first few days but let me tell you, It's pretty hard. And it hurts..A LOT. So I am just giving him formula. I tried pumping but i just didn't feel comfortable with it. Philip is already almost 2 weeks old! Actually it feels like I've had him forever, But I am enjoying this time feeling like it's taking forever because I know he wont  stay little forever and that soon he will be over a year old. :'( But I am amazed with this experience already. I will update [hopefully] soon because I am going to try and get some rest while Philip is sleeping!


  1. Congratulations! He is beautiful! I bet you had a great first Christmas with him!

  2. Thank you!
    We did have an awesome Christmas(:
