How Old Is Philip?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 26, 2010

37 weeks & 3 days! (AKA 18 days to go)

Today I am 37 weeks & 3 days. Pretty soon the baby will be here! I can't believe that I'm already full term. Next week would be good for him/her to come. We have almost everything ready.
I bought this pregnancy book a while back and it says that the weight gain should stop around here. I sure hope so! He/She is running out of room, and sure is kicking me a lot. Back pain is horrible.

We're hoping for a baby soon!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

36 weeks & 4 days! (AKA 24 days to go!)

So I guess I will strat from my appointment(:
It went really well. He checked for dialation for the first time, measured my belly(as always), Took a strep test thingy and that wasn't TO bad, The baby is still head down and that's basically it.
I've been having hot flashes, and it sucks. And I'm still having back pain..and a lot. And the baby NEVER sleeps. Literally lol, she/he wont stop moving. Other than that this week nothing really has happened. So I dont have much to update but in THREE days(37 weeks) the baby can come. But I'd like around 38-39 weeks. I'm STILL not ready lol. I'm trying to hurry up and finish everything but it has to be perfect! Haha

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

35 weeks & 1 day.(AKA 34 days to go!)

So I'm 35 weeks and 1 day today, Baby will be here before we know it!
I've got my first belly-visible (Like as in if you look at my belly you can see it not just staring at it FOREVER. I've got them on my boobs and butt too) stretch mark. Baby's moving around so much more.
I have a doctor appointment this week. I'm not sure if I will be checked for dialation or anything yet.
I've had my first bloody nose, I'm just wondering if that means anything? Also having TONS of back pains. My mom told me that it's probably Braxtin Hicks but I don't know what they feel like, obviously. Lol
So this is pretty much it(:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

34 weeks & 1 day. (AKA 41 days to go)

Well I'm 34 weeks & 1 day as of today. I'm a failure at blogging, but I'm still going to do it! I've just been busying BUYING and BUYING. And it's all for my little baby(:
Next week I'm 35 weeks, then 36, and then 37, then 38, then 39,then FORTY! I don't think it'll take very long before my baby is here.
So Jaime's been working a little longer than usual so I've been pretty lonely. :/ But I don't mind being alone.
We have modified our names a bit.
Baby Philip Noah/Shyane Alexandra loves to dance to music(; Which is good haha, Both his/her parts love music.
So now more about 34 weeks & 1 day..
I had a doctor appointment last...wednesday (i think haha) it went really well. The baby is head down which is really good. He/she is still face up, which is what you don't want, because it causes back labor. And it runs in my family. Which is just great!  My next appointment is in 2 weeks instead of 3 like last time(:
It's not next tuesday but the tuesday after that then we go to 1 week appointments! We got his/her heartbeat heard.
I've been having horrible back pain. It sucks.
I wear contacts and I was just wondering what the rules are for laboring in them? I hate wearing my glasses but I've always seen people wearing their's.